Here are some of the top tweets that caught our eye last week. As you can seem, most of them are focused on inbound marketing for small businesses.
Fun + Feel Good Tweets
So there’s a reality show for just about everything. And now, CNBC is launching another show just for small businesses! This one’s focused on helping those of us who are in a rut – it’s called “The Big Fix.”
Entrepreneur @EntMagazine | Jan 19 |
Casting call for a new reality TV show “The Big Fix” where small businesses will receive makeovers.
Small business is big business.
Buy Local ilm @buylocalilm | Jan 20 |
Small businesses are most likely to generate jobs for young workers, older workers and women, provide 67 percent of first jobs.
Great article on how small businesses are using YouTube to market themselves online.
Bengaluru Social @bengalurusocial | Jan 16 |
Inbound Marketing: Small business builds YouTube channel
Tweets on Inbound Marketing For Small Businesses
DwightMiller @DwightMiller | Jan 16 |
What Is Inbound Marketing and Why Should I Use It? – Spokal
Michael Nelson @CogentCoach | Jan 18 |
Inbound marketing delivers results – small & mid-sized businesses have a powerful tool!
MCNG Marketing @MCNGMarketing | Jan 17 |
Is the next big inboud marketing company here? Check out @getSpokal #Vancouver via @VancityBuzz
Sigma Web Marketing @sigmawebmktg | Jan 14 |
#Inboundmarketing levels the playing field for small businesses to compete on the web. –
Read This Tweet!
Bill Faeth @bfaeth | Jan 19 |
Is Your Social Media “Guru” Doing a Good Job?
Small Business Love…
And to finish it off, it’s always good to hear people promoting local businesses.
| @shoplocally | Jan 19 |
Small businesses are the backbone of a strong local economy. Support Local Independent Businesses. #ShopLocal
p.s. If you see a great tweet this week about small businesses and would like Spokal to showcase it, let us know. We’re always looking for the best ideas people are sharing about small businesses.